Lots to celebrate at The Frick Pittsburgh

There are always reasons to celebrate. For this family, they happened to be celebrating many things all at once - a milestone birthday, a new baby, Passover. Lastly, they were celebrating simply being together, something that is hard when family members live all over the world. To help honor the moment, they wanted an extended family portrait session - something to show the love in their whole bigger family, but also celebrating the smaller family units and individuals. Enjoy, and I hope you have a happy whatever-it-is-you-are-celebrating!

Extended Family Photo Shoot at The Frick Pittsburgh
Baby points to himself during a family portrait session in Pittsburgh, PA
Family of ten posing on steps during an extended portrait session at The Frick Pittsburgh
Baby boy and his parents during a session with a family photographer in Pittsburgh
Baby on his belly on a blanket
Grandma and Grandpa posing with their grandson during a photo shoot at The Frick Pittsburgh
Baby on a gray blanket looking at the camera
Husband and wife smiling during a session with Pittsburgh Family Photographer, Carey Palenchar
Family presents red t-shirts to Grandpa for his birthday
Family poses wearing their birthday t-shirts
Five siblings in a group hug during photo shoot in Pittsburgh's Point Breeze neighborhood
Siblings plus spouses in a group photo at The Frick Pittsburgh
Extended family smiling during outdoors family portrait session
Baby snuggling in his mom's arms
Mom and baby snuggle during extended family photo shoot in Pittsburgh's East End